How to submit your order/delivery info
All our data is crowd-sourced, we collect our data from posts on the most popular Cyber truck forum located at
We would love to hear about your latest delivery or your order, every data point helps us provide more accurate estimates on wait times and delivery information. If you are willing to help us out, simply:
  1. Go to and login or register for an account
  2. Post in this Thread: with your order information which would include:
    1) The first 5 digits of your RN#.
    2) The date you configured your truck.
    3) The date you received your VIN assignment (if known)
    4) The number range of your VIN i.e. 5600, 1200 (if known)
    5) The Date you will take delivery (if known)
    6) Your state
  3. Your details will update on this site within a few hours typically.